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GenAi & LLM: Impact on Human Jobs

I met an IT Head of a leading Manufacturing company in a social gathering. During our discussion, when he convincingly told me that current AI progress is destructive from the point of jobs done by humans and it’s going to be doomsday, I realized that many would be carrying a similar opinion, which I felt needs to be corrected.

A good starting point to understand impact of AI on jobs done by humans today is the World Economic Forum’s white paper published in September 2023 (Reference 1). It gives us a fascinating glimpse into the future of work in the era of Generative AI (GenAi) and Large Language Models (LLM). This report sheds light on the intricate dance between Generative AI and the future of employment, revealing some nuanced trends that are set to reshape the job market. Few key messages from the paper are below.

At the heart of the discussion is the distinction between jobs that are ripe for augmentation and those that face the prospect of automation. According to the report, jobs that involve routine, repetitive tasks are at a higher risk of automation. Tasks that can be easily defined and predicted might find themselves in the capable hands of AI. Think data entry, basic analysis, and other rule-based responsibilities. LLMs, with their ability to understand and generate human-like text, excel in scenarios where the tasks are well-defined and can be streamlined.

However, it’s not a doomsday scenario for human workers. In fact, the report emphasizes the idea of job augmentation rather than outright replacement. This means that while certain aspects of a job may be automated, there’s a simultaneous enhancement of human capabilities through collaboration with LLMs. It’s a symbiotic relationship where humans leverage the strengths of AI to become more efficient and dynamic in their roles. For instance, content creation, customer service, and decision-making processes could see a significant boost with the integration of LLMs.

Interestingly, the jobs that seem to thrive in this evolving landscape are the ones requiring a distinctly human touch. Roles demanding creativity, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and nuanced communication are poised to flourish. LLMs, despite their impressive abilities, still grapple with the complexity of human emotions and the subtleties of creative expression. This places humans in a unique position to contribute in ways that machines currently cannot. But here the unique ability of LLMs to understand context, generate human-like text, and even assist in complex problem-solving, positions them as valuable tools for humans.

Imagine a future where content creation becomes a collaborative effort between human creativity and AI efficiency, or where customer service benefits from the empathetic understanding of LLMs. Decision-making processes, too, could see a paradigm shift as humans harness the analytical prowess of AI to make more informed and strategic choices.

There is also creation of new type of jobs, emerging jobs as it is called. For example, Ethics and Governance Specialists is one such emerging job.

The said paper further nicely brings together a view of job exposure by functional area and by industry groups: ranked by exposure (augmentation and automation potential) across large number of jobs to give reader a feel of what is stated above.

In essence, the report paints a picture of a future where humans and AI are not adversaries but partners in progress. The workplace becomes a dynamic arena where humans bring creativity, intuition, and emotional intelligence to the table, while LLMs contribute efficiency, data processing power, and a unique form of problem-solving. The key takeaway is one of collaboration, where the fusion of human and machine capabilities leads to a more productive, innovative, and engaging work environment. So, as we navigate this evolving landscape, it’s not about job replacement; it’s about embracing the opportunities that arise when humans and LLMs work hand in virtual hand.



1.      Jobs of Tomorrow: Large Language Models and Jobs, September 2023. A World Economic Forum (WEF) white paper jointly authored by WEF and Accenture.



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