3 mn read

Ethics at the Forefront: Navigating the Path at frontier of Artificial General Intelligence

3 mn read While we may want to cautiously avoid the term Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) today, it is evident from the general capabilities of the systems currently in place that we are either close to, or perhaps already have, some form of AGI in operation. In this scenario, it is crucial that AI ethics take center stage […]

3 mn read

The Executive Order!

3 mn read Close on the heels of the formation of the Frontier Model Forum and a White House announcement that it had secured “voluntary commitments” from seven leading A.I companies to self-regulate the risks posed by artificial intelligence, President Joe Biden, yesterday issued an executive order regulating the development and ensuring safe and secure deployment of artificial […]

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AI Regulations : Need for urgency

2 mn read Few weeks ago, I saw a news article about risks of unregulated AI.  The news article quoted that in USA, Police came to a house of a 8 months pregnant African American lady and arrested her due to a facial recognition system identified her as the theft suspect in a robbery. No amount of pleading […]

5 mn read

EU AI Regulations Update

5 mn read I have written some time back about EU AI Act draft circulation.  After more than 2 years, there is some more movement in making this a EU Law.  In June 2023,  the EU Parliament adapted the draft and a set of negotiating principles and the next step of discussions with member countries has started.  The […]

3 mn read

AI&Ethics: A reminder from Anand Mahindra

3 mn read I am sure many of you have seen a Tweet from Anand Mahindra on video morphing and the risks associated with it. Anand clearly makes a cry for tech solutions to solve the problem. Ref https://twitter.com/anandmahindra/status/1616722233946411008 In AiThoughts.Org, we have been talking about AI & Ethics and the need for all the stakeholders i.e. Tech […]

2 mn read

EU Artificial Intelligence Act proposal

2 mn read Lot has been talked about #ResponsibleAI, #ai and #ethics. We also have a brand new filed called #xai Explainable AI with the sole objective of creating new simpler models to interpret more complex original models.  Many tech companies such as Google, Microsoft, IBM etc. have released their #ResponsibleAI guiding principles.  European Union has circulated a […]

4 mn read

What NOT to say

4 mn read What Not to Say Teaching chatbots to speak ‘properly’ and ‘decently’ Many of us would have heard about Microsoft’s Tay.ai chatbot, which was released and pulled back within 24 hours in 2016, due to abusive learnings by the chatbot. It took less than 24 hours to corrupt an innocent AI chatbot. What went wrong? Tay.ai’s learning […]

3 mn read

AI Ethics Self Governance

3 mn read AI Ethics:  Self-governed by Corporations and Employees L Ravichandran, Founder – AIThoughts.Org As more self-learning AI software & products are being used in factories, retail stores, enterprises and on self-driven cars on our roads, the age-old philosophical area of Ethics has become an important current-day issue. Who will ensure that ethics is a critical component […]

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