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The Executive Order!

Close on the heels of the formation of the Frontier Model Forum and a White House announcement that it had secured “voluntary commitments” from seven leading A.I companies to self-regulate the risks posed by artificial intelligence, President Joe Biden, yesterday...

To Be Or Not To Be – GPT4 Applications

Posting on behalf on L Ravichandran I saw this talk organized by a company called Steamship on YouTube. GPT-4 - How does it work, and how do I build apps with it? - CS50 Tech Talk One of the key...

brAInWaves – Oct ’22

Welcome to brAInwaves - Our first newsletter! And thank you all for signing up! Ever since we launched AiThoughts, we have expanded our core team, now comprising of S Sivaguru, Anil Sane & Diwakar Menon. We have had a couple of events with large...