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Artificial Narrow Intelligence ( ANI) : Enterprises are OK with Narrow

Many of you have seen a news item from MIT The headlines was "New Algorithm aces University level Maths questions". Lots of talk on Algorithms passing the undergraduate course in Computer science but due to their non-person status degrees...

AI becoming Sentinel

Google CEO demonstrated their new Natural Language chatbot LAMDA.  The video is available on youtube.  The demo was very impressive. All the planets in the solar system were created as personas and any human can converse with LaMDA and...

EU Artificial Intelligence Act proposal

Lot has been talked about #ResponsibleAI, #ai and #ethics. We also have a brand new filed called #xai Explainable AI with the sole objective of creating new simpler models to interpret more complex original models.  Many tech companies such as...

What NOT to say

What Not to Say Teaching chatbots to speak ‘properly’ and ‘decently’ Many of us would have heard about Microsoft’s chatbot, which was released and pulled back within 24 hours in 2016, due to abusive learnings by the chatbot. It...

AI Ethics Self Governance

AI Ethics:  Self-governed by Corporations and Employees L Ravichandran, Founder - AIThoughts.Org As more self-learning AI software & products are being used in factories, retail stores, enterprises and on self-driven cars on our roads, the age-old philosophical area of Ethics...