Insurance is changing: AI/ML will dominate the business in a decade
To understand the coming tsunami in insurance business, we have to understand how insurance business works in the first place. Buying insurance is not like buying a mango. You can buy a mango and find out quickly if it was...
Author: Dr. Tapen Sinha, 25 Feb, 2022
Cryptography and Artificial Intelligence
Nowadays, both Cryptography and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have become integral parts of our daily life. The first one makes human communication safe from unwanted attackers and the second one makes our life easier by helping to make decisions. In this...
Author: Bimal Roy, 17 Feb, 2022
AI and AIOps – a perspective for IT Services Industry
AI and AIOps – a perspective for IT Services Industry This write-up is to discuss about AIOps from the perspective of IT Services Industry and how possibly one need to shift towards bringing the benefits/efficiencies of AIOps at the Service...
Author: Anil Sane, 16 Feb, 2022
Plus ça change- Is ML the new name for Statistics?
Names change, but ideas usually don’t. How is today’s ‘data science’ different from yesterday’s statistics, mathematics and probability? Actually, it’s not very different. If it seems changed it’s only because the ground reality has changed. Yesterday we had data scarcity,...
Author: Srinivas Bhogle, 7 Feb, 2022
What NOT to say
What Not to Say Teaching chatbots to speak ‘properly’ and ‘decently’ Many of us would have heard about Microsoft’s chatbot, which was released and pulled back within 24 hours in 2016, due to abusive learnings by the chatbot. It...
Author: L Ravichandran, 7 Feb, 2022
Relevance of Statistics In the New Data Science World
Relevance of Statistics in the new Data Science world Rajeeva L Karandikar Chennai Mathematical Institute, India Abstract With Big Data and Data Science becoming buzzwords, various people are wondering about the relevance of statistics versus pure data driven models. In...
Author: Dr Rajeeva Karandikar, 7 Feb, 2022
AI Ethics Self Governance
AI Ethics: Self-governed by Corporations and Employees L Ravichandran, Founder - AIThoughts.Org As more self-learning AI software & products are being used in factories, retail stores, enterprises and on self-driven cars on our roads, the age-old philosophical area of Ethics...
Author: L Ravichandran, 7 Feb, 2022