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Our Methodology


Evaluates your organization's AI maturity, identifies opportunities, and develops a tailored roadmap for successful AI adoption.


Algins AI initiatives with business goals, foster collaboration, and ensure responsible implementation for maximum impact.


Equip teams with essential knowledge and skills to effectively implement AI initiatives aligned to business goals.

Understand The Current State

The “Assess” phase is a critical first step in our AI consulting engagements, as it lays the foundation for the rest of the work. During this phase, we focus on thoroughly understanding the organization’s strategic objectives, pain points, and priorities and gather insights on existing AI initiatives, successes, and challenges. We assess the client’s current state, identifying key challenges and opportunities, and gaining a deep understanding of their unique requirements and goals. The key activities in the Assess phase include:
AI Maturity Assessment
  • Evaluate the current AI maturity level using AiThought’s maturity frameworks
  • Identify the organization’s readiness and capabilities to adopt and scale AI technologies
  • Pinpoint focus areas for improvement and development of AI competencies
Risk and Compliance Review
  • Identify potential risks associated with AI deployment, including ethical, security, and regulatory concerns
  • Assess the organization’s current risk management practices and compliance requirements
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of the risk landscape and mitigation strategies
Prototype Feasibility Analysis
  • Evaluate the feasibility and potential impact of AI use cases and prototype ideas
  • Assess the technical, operational, and financial viability of the proposed AI prototypes
  • Provide recommendations on the most promising use cases to pursue
Data and Infrastructure Evaluation
  • Assess the quality, availability, and accessibility of data required for AI initiatives
  • Evaluate the existing IT infrastructure and its readiness to support AI deployments
  • Identify gaps and requirements for building a robust AI-enabling technology stack
Landscape Analysis
  • Assess the competitive landscape and evaluate how competitors are leveraging AI
  • Identify industry-specific trends, opportunities, and potential disruptions
  • Recognize gaps in the market that can be addressed through AI solutions

The insights gathered during the Assess phase are then synthesized into a comprehensive report that outlines the current state, key findings, and recommended next steps. This report serves as the foundation for the subsequent “Guide” and “Train” phases of our AI consulting engagement.

By thoroughly assessing the client’s AI readiness, we are able to develop a tailored strategy, roadmap, and implementation plan that aligns with their unique business objectives and constraints. This ensures a successful and sustainable AI transformation journey.

Guide Implementation

In the “Guide” phase of our AI consulting engagements, we leverage the insights gathered during the “Assess” phase to provide strategic guidance and practical recommendations to our clients. This phase is focused on developing a clear roadmap and implementation plan to help the client achieve their AI objectives. The key activities in the Guide phase include:
AI Strategy and Roadmap
  • Develop a comprehensive AI strategy aligned with the client’s business goals and priorities
  • Define the organization’s AI vision, objectives, and key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Outline a detailed roadmap for AI adoption, including prioritized use cases, implementation timelines, and resource requirements
AI Center of Excellence (CoE) Design
  • Assist in establishing a cross-functional AI CoE to drive AI adoption and scale
  • Define the CoE’s operating model, governance structure, and key responsibilities
  • Provide guidance on the CoE’s role in AI project ideation, prioritization, and execution
AI Risk Management Framework
  • Collaborate with the client to develop a robust AI risk management framework
  • Identify and prioritize AI-related risks, including ethical, security, and regulatory concerns
  • Recommend mitigation strategies and policies for responsible AI deployment
AI Prototype Development
  • Work with the client to rapidly prototype and pilot high-value AI solutions
  • Provide guidance on data requirements, model selection, and deployment considerations
  • Ensure the prototype’s seamless integration with the client’s existing systems and processes
Change Management and Adoption
  • Develop a comprehensive change management plan to drive AI adoption across the organization
  • Provide guidance on employee training, communication, and stakeholder engagement
  • Recommend strategies to overcome resistance and foster a culture of AI-driven innovation
Governance and Compliance
  • Assist the client in establishing AI governance frameworks and policies
  • Ensure alignment with relevant regulatory requirements and industry best practices
  • Provide guidance on AI ethics, transparency, and accountability measures

Throughout the Guide phase, we work closely with the client’s cross-functional teams to ensure that the proposed strategies, roadmaps, and implementation plans are tailored to their unique needs and constraints. Our goal is to empower the client to make informed decisions, build internal capabilities, and drive sustainable AI transformation.

By providing strategic guidance and practical recommendations, we help our clients navigate the complexities of AI adoption, mitigate risks, and unlock the full potential of these transformative technologies.


The “Train” phase of our AI consulting engagements is focused on empowering the client’s teams with the necessary knowledge, skills, and capabilities to successfully implement and sustain the AI initiatives outlined in the “Guide” phase. This phase is crucial for driving long-term adoption and ensuring the client can independently manage and scale their AI efforts. The key activities in the Train phase include:
AI Literacy and Awareness Training
  • Develop and deliver comprehensive training programs to educate employees on the fundamentals of AI
  • Ensure a common understanding of AI concepts, applications, and the organization’s strategic vision
  • Foster an AI-driven mindset and culture across the organization
AI CoE Capability Building
  • Provide specialized training to the AI CoE team on best practices for AI project management, governance, and
    risk mitigation
  • Upskill the CoE members on the latest AI tools, techniques, and deployment methodologies
  • Empower the CoE to independently lead and support AI initiatives across the organization
AI Risk Management Training
  • Train key stakeholders on the organization’s AI risk management framework and policies
  • Educate employees on ethical AI principles, responsible data practices, and compliance requirements
  • Equip teams with the skills to identify, assess, and mitigate AI-related risks
AI Prototype Development Training
  • Conduct hands-on training for the teams involved in AI prototype development and deployment
  • Provide guidance on data preparation, model selection, and integration with existing systems
  • Empower employees to independently iterate and scale successful AI prototypes
Change Management and Adoption Support
  • Provide ongoing coaching and mentorship to help employees integrate AI into their daily workflows
  • Foster a culture of continuous learning and innovation around AI