3 mn read

Beyond the script: The future of digital customer service

3 mn read In the past companies noticed that their customers are getting frustrated by waiting for customer service agents for simple queries. “All our agents are busy. Your call is important to us. Please wait.” became a dreaded message for customers looking for answer to their simple queries. So many companies launched Chat Bots as part digitalizing […]

5 mn read

AI Symphony in Airline Enterprises

5 mn read Good old-fashioned AI (or what is now called Traditional AI) is deterministic in nature, while Generative AI is more probabilistic. Traditional AI relies on explicit rules, logic, and predefined algorithms. Given the same input and conditions, it will always produce the same output. This predictability ensures transparent behavior and decision-making processes. Generative AI, on the […]

3 mn read

GenAI Adoption – Challenges in Manufacturing Enterprise

3 mn read While discussions have been ongoing regarding the use of fine-tuned Large Language Models (LLMs) for specific enterprise needs, the high cost associated with cloud-based LLMs, including subscription fees and API usage charges, is becoming increasingly evident. This cost barrier has been a major hurdle for many enterprises seeking to transition GenAI-powered solutions from pilot programs […]

4 mn read

Generative AI in Product Genealogy Solution in Manufacturing

4 mn read The demand for guaranteed product quality through comprehensive traceability is rapidly spreading beyond the pharmaceutical industry and into other manufacturing sectors. This rising demand stems from both increased customer awareness and stricter regulations. To address this need, manufacturers are turning to Product Traceability, also known as Product Genealogy, solutions. Efforts over the past 4-5 years, […]

< 1 mn read

Domain and LLM

< 1 mn read I am in total agreement with Morgan Zimmerman, Dassault Systems quote in TOI today.  Every industry has its own terminologies, concepts, names, words i.e Industry Language. He says even a simple looking word like “Certification” have different meanings in Aerospace vs life sciences.  He recommends use of Industry specific language and your own company specific […]

5 mn read

Generative AI in Plant Maintenance

5 mn read Today almost all manufacturing verticals are highly competitive making it necessary to avoid any breakdown of the equipment in manufacturing process. This has made the past practice of Reactive Maintenance unacceptable. Aiming to eliminate breakdowns has other benefits like improved employee motivation, reduction in opportunity costs, and reduction in production cost. There are broadly 6 […]

2 mn read

AI Legislation: Need Urgency

2 mn read Let me first wish you all a happy Navratri Festivities.  I still fondly remember the Durga Pooja days during my Indian Statistical Institute years.  However, we also need to remember we are in the midst of two wars, one in Ukraine and other in Middle East.  We wish solutions are found and further loss of […]

3 mn read

AI and Law

3 mn read The Public Domain is full of initiatives by many Law Universities, large law firms, and various government departments on the topic of “AI and Law “. I was happy to see a news article a few days ago about the Indian Consumer grievances cell thinking about using AI to clear a large number of pending cases. They […]

2 mn read

AI Regulations : Need for urgency

2 mn read Few weeks ago, I saw a news article about risks of unregulated AI.  The news article quoted that in USA, Police came to a house of a 8 months pregnant African American lady and arrested her due to a facial recognition system identified her as the theft suspect in a robbery. No amount of pleading […]

5 mn read

EU AI Regulations Update

5 mn read I have written some time back about EU AI Act draft circulation.  After more than 2 years, there is some more movement in making this a EU Law.  In June 2023,  the EU Parliament adapted the draft and a set of negotiating principles and the next step of discussions with member countries has started.  The […]

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