I am in total agreement with Morgan Zimmerman, Dassault Systems quote in TOI today. Every industry has its own terminologies, concepts, names, words i.e Industry Language. He says even a simple looking word like “Certification” have different meanings in Aerospace vs life sciences. He recommends use of Industry specific language and your own company specific language for getting significant benefit out of LLMs. This will also reduce hallucinations and misunderstanding.
This is in line with @AiThoughts.Org thoughts on Domain and company specific information on top of general data used by all LLMs. Like they say in Real Estate, the 3 most important things in any real estate buy decision is “Location, Location and Location”. We need 3 things to make LLMs work for the enterprise. “Domain, Domain and Domain”. Many of us may recall a very successful Bill Clinton Presidential campaign slogan. “The economy, Stupid”. We can say “The domain, Stupid” as the slogan to make LLMs useful for the enterprises.
But the million-dollar question is how much it is going to cost for the learning updates using your Domain and company data? EY published a cost of $1.4 Billion which very few can afford. We need much less expensive solutions for large scale implementation of LLMs.
Solicit your thoughts. #LLM #aiml #Aiethics #Aiforindustry
L Ravichandran

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