AI Strategy & CoE Set Up

Driven by philosophy of continuous innovation, we help enterprises implement AI powered transformative solutions to make then future proof.

Our strength is in collaboratively guiding an enterprise on its AI adoption journey, with the help of curated strategies that are fully aligned with the enterprise’s core business strategy and ethical use without sacrificing the full AI potential.

We aim to foster a culture of innovation, ethical AI adoption, and continuous learning.

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AI Strategy & CoE Services

A comprehensive and systematic evaluation of the organization's readiness for AI adoption, including evaluating data capabilities, technical infrastructure, and AI literacy within the organization. The comprehensive assessment provides a roadmap tailored to an organization's unique needs, ensuring a smooth transition into the age of artificial intelligence.

Our Approach

1. Current State Analysis: Review of the technological infrastructure, data assets, workforce skills, and existing AI initiatives. Establishes a starting point.

2. Business Objectives Alignment: Understand strategic business objectives.

3. Data Assessment: Evaluates quality, quantity, and accessibility of data. Identify data gaps, data governance practices, and the potential need for data enrichment or data collection efforts.

4. Infrastructure Evaluation: Examining the compatibility of hardware and software systems and assessing whether cloud or on-premises solutions are most suitable.

5. Workforce Skills and Knowledge: Evaluating the current skills, knowledge, and AI literacy. Identifying areas where training or recruitment needed.

6. Legal and Ethical Compliance: Review of data privacy, regulatory compliance, and ethical considerations.

7. Risk Assessment: Evaluating security, bias, fairness, and explainability risks. Assessing readiness to mitigate these risks.


Business Alignment : Identification of areas where AI can strategically contribute to business objectives.

Data Quality & Accessibility : Strategies Identification of strategies to improve quality and accessibility

IT Infra Integration : View Gaps in the integration of AI tools seamlessly into current technological landscape.

Workforce Strategies : Needs of upskilling or hiring to meet AI project demands.

Compliance Needs : Identification of Legal and Ethics compliance required

Risk Identification : Identifies potential risks associated with AI adoption, related mitigation strategies, regulatory compliance and ethics compliance.

KPIs & Implementation : Roadmap Identification of KPIs, timelines for deriving benefits and business priorities aligned roadmap."

Strategic Alignment: Ensures that AI initiatives align with your organization's overall business strategy. Identifies areas where AI can strategically contribute to business objectives.

Data Quality and Availability: Assesses the quality and availability of data crucial for AI implementation. Recommends strategies to improve data quality and accessibility.

Risk Mitigation: Identifies potential risks associated with AI adoption and proposes mitigation strategies. Ensures compliance with regulatory and ethical standards.

Skill Assessment and Development: Evaluates the current skill set within the organization for AI development and implementation. Provides recommendations for upskilling or hiring to meet AI project demands.

Clarity: Helps define clear metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the return on investment (ROI) for AI initiatives. Provides a realistic timeline for realizing AI-related benefits.

Technology Integration: Assesses the compatibility of existing systems with AI technologies. Guides the integration of AI tools seamlessly into the current technological landscape.

Customized Roadmap: Delivers a tailored roadmap for AI adoption based on the specific needs and capabilities of the organization. Provides a phased approach for gradual implementation aligned with business priorities.

Competitive Advantage: Positions the organization as an AI-ready and forward-thinking entity. Enhances competitiveness by leveraging AI for innovation and operational excellence.

Having an AI strategy based on an analysis of the industry landscape, taking into account AI trends, potential competitors, and emerging opportunities, is paramount. The AI strategy development is a collaborative exercise to design a comprehensive and cohesive plan for integrating artificial intelligence into your organization's operations that aligns with your business objectives, including identifying use cases, setting goals, and defining success metrics.

Our Approach

1. Business Objectives Alignment: Define the specific goals that AI will help achieve, such as increasing revenue, reducing costs, improving customer experience, or enhancing decision-making.

2. Use Case Identification: Identify the specific use cases and applications where AI can bring the most value, aligned to the defined business objectives. Such as Gen AI in Marketing.

3. AI Governance:- Define governance structures and policies for AI projects, defining roles and responsibilities, decision-making processes, and accountability mechanisms. It also covers communication and reporting approach.

4. Data Management: Define strategy for data collection, storage, and management practices that support AI initiatives, approached to bridge the data gaps and steps to fulfill data enrichment or data collection requirements.

5. Scalability and Future-Proofing:- Based on the business objectives, the strategy covers the scalability of AI solutions and their adaptability to future needs thereby ensuring that AI systems can grow with the organization and accommodate emerging technologies.

6. Technology Infrastructure: Define the additional IT infrastructure needed to support AI projects and recommend whether to it will be a cloud-based or on-premises or a hybrid approach. The selection of the right AI tools, platforms, and frameworks that align with the infrastructure strategy is also part of the recommendations.

7. Skills and Workforce Development: Develop a plan for upskilling existing employees and potentially hiring new talent with AI expertise.

8. Ethical Considerations and Data Privacy: Recommend practices and policies to ensure that AI initiatives comply with ethical standards such as fairness, bias, transparency, and explainability and with data privacy regulations.

9. Monitoring and Performance Measurement:- We help you implement mechanisms for monitoring the performance of AI systems via key performance indicators (KPIs) and measuring their impact on business objectives.

10. Regulatory Compliance:- Cover relevant regulations and industry-specific compliance requirements and recommend mechanisms to ensure that AI projects adhere to legal and regulatory standards of the country.

11. Review and Iteration:- Periodic reviews and updates to ensure that the strategy remains aligned with changing business needs and technological advancements.


Business Alignment : Ensures that AI strategies are closely aligned with overall business goals and objectives. Helps identify specific areas where AI can drive value and innovation.

Data-Driven Decision-Making : Provides means of enhancing decision-making processes by leveraging AI for data analysis and insights. Provides path to maximise the value of organizational data for informed strategic choices.

Competitive Advantage : Provides a view of how the organization remains ahead of competitors by leveraging AI for enhanced products, services, or operational efficiency. Enables differentiation in the market through AI-powered solutions.

Talent Optimization : Provides view of skills and talent required for successful AI implementation. Guides recruitment, training, and upskilling efforts to build a capable AI workforce.

Regulatory Compliance : Build clarity on how AI strategies adhere to relevant regulations and standards. Mitigates legal and compliance risks associated with AI implementation.

Risk Management : Assesses and mitigates potential risks associated with AI implementation, including ethical considerations, bias, and regulatory compliance. Recommends approaches to ensure responsible and ethical use of AI technologies.

Measurable Outcomes : Gives clarity on establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the success of AI initiatives. Provides a framework for ongoing evaluation and optimization.

Setting up an AI Center of Excellence (CoE) is a comprehensive offering that helps organizations establish a dedicated unit to lead, support, and accelerate their artificial intelligence initiatives. This service involves creating a structured framework, defining roles and responsibilities, and providing the necessary resources to foster a culture of AI innovation within the organization.

Our Approach

1. Roadmap Development: Develop a strategic plan for the AI CoE aligned to the organization's AI initiatives with clear goals and KPIs.

2. Leadership and Governance: Identify key leadership roles within the AI CoE. This would include a Director or Head of the CoE, AI project managers, data scientists, and AI engineers. A governance framework is established to define roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes.

3. Infrastructure and Tools: Identify and equip the CoE with the necessary infrastructure, including hardware, software, data storage, and AI development tools and technologies that align with the organization's technology stack.

4. Data Strategy Integration: The CoE integrates with the organization's data strategy and governance practices to ensure that data assets are effectively leveraged for AI projects.

5. Project Prioritization: The CoE establishes criteria for project prioritization, helping the organization determine which AI projects to focus on based on their strategic importance and potential impact.

6. Use Case Identification: The CoE works with various departments to identify and prioritize AI use cases that align with business goals, offering guidance on the feasibility and impact of each.

7. Talent Acquisition, Training and Skill Development: The CoE  recruits AI talent, either from within the organization or externally, to build a capable team with the required skills and expertise. Build training programs and skill development initiatives that are designed to enhance the AI literacy of employees across the organization to foster a culture of AI innovation.

8. Best Practices and Standards:- The CoE develops and enforces best practices and standards for AI development, ensuring consistency, quality, and compliance with ethical and regulatory guidelines.

9. Project Management and Support:- The CoE provides project management support for AI initiatives. It helps project teams with project planning, execution, and monitoring, ensuring that projects remain on track and within scope.

10. Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration:- The CoE facilitates knowledge sharing and collaboration among teams and departments to encourage cross-functional AI projects and the exchange of best practices.

11. Performance Monitoring and Reporting:- The CoE establishes continuous monitoring and reporting mechanisms to track the performance of AI projects and assess their impact on business objectives.

12. Regulatory Compliance:- The CoE ensures that AI projects adhere to regulatory and compliance requirements, including data privacy regulations and industry-specific standards.

13. Vendor and Technology Evaluation:- The CoE can assist in the evaluation of AI vendors, tools, and technologies to determine the best solutions for the organization's AI needs.


Strategic Focus: Provides a dedicated and centralized unit for managing AI initiatives, ensuring a strategic and focused approach to AI implementation

Accelerated Learning Curve: Facilitates knowledge sharing and collaboration, allowing teams to learn from each other's experiences and best practices. Speeds up the learning curve for AI adoption across the organization.

Cross-Functional Collaboration: Promotes collaboration between data scientists, domain experts, IT professionals, and business leaders. Enables cross-functional teams to work together on AI projects, fostering innovation.

Resource Optimization: Efficiently allocates resources by centralizing AI expertise and infrastructure. Avoids duplication of efforts and resources across different business units.

Standardized Practices: Establishes standardized processes, methodologies, and best practices for AI development and deployment. Ensures consistency in AI projects and reduces the risk of errors.

Rapid Prototyping and Experimentation: Creates an environment conducive to rapid prototyping and experimentation with AI models and solutions. Encourages an agile approach to AI development, enabling quick iterations.

Innovation Hub: Serves as an innovation hub where new AI technologies and methodologies can be explored and tested. Encourages a culture of continuous improvement and exploration.

Scalability and Replicability: Designs  AI projects and solutions with scalability in mind, allowing successful models to be replicated across the organization. Ensures that AI initiatives can grow seamlessly as business needs evolves.

Talent Development: Facilitates the development of AI skills and expertise within the organization. Provides training programs and mentorship to build a skilled AI workforce.

Customer-Centric Solutions: Focuses on developing AI solutions that enhance the customer experience. Ensures that AI technologies align with customer needs and expectations.

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